Prof. univ. dr. Ioana Bican (Ioana Bot) is lecturing in the fields of Romanian literature, the history of literary ideas and cultural mediation, in the Department of Romanian literature and literary theory at the UBB Faculty of Letters (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). She is the former director of the UBB Doctoral School of Linguistics and Liteary Studies and, currently, a member of its Council. Since 2016, she has been a member of the Scientific Council of Babeș-Bolyai University. She is the director of The Modern Literary Philology Research Center (FiM) – She is also a member of the CNCS (National Council of Scientific Research). She was guest professor at several reputed European universities (Rome, Florence, Zurich), was part of international research projects carried out by UBB in cooperation with the Universities of Freibourg (Switzerland), Rome and Florence. She participated in lexicographic projects dealing with European literature with studies on the Romanian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries (most recently: the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Her main books focus on Romanian Romanticism and the poetics of Mihai Eminescu (most recent title: Eminescu explicat fratelui meu/Eminescu explained to my brother, Bucharest, 2012).

Fields of scientific interest: the history of Romanian literature (19th – 20th centuries), the history of European literary ideas in the 20th century, the poetics of fixed forms. One of her on-going projects is the compilation of critical and philological editions. She translates into Romanian literature from French, Finnish, Italian and English.

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