Submission Guidelines



Articles are original contributions to the field of higher education.

Articles should be formatted in accordance with the template that can be found above.

Articles should have no more than 30,000 characters (Word text editor provides the option Word Count, where you can find the information regarding the number of characters of your document), including references. The text should be formatted in Cambria, size 12, 1.5 spacing between rows.

Articles have an abstract and 5 keywords. The abstract should have up to 300 words, and should not include any references.

All articles should be submitted as Word documents (.doc or .docx) and use the APA reference and citation style. Please visit this page: for more details.

Articles should be submitted by email and sent alongside the filled in and signed Intellectual Rights form.  The documents submitted should be anonymized. The email must include the personal data of all the authors, and it should contain: Academic Rank, Department/Faculty, University, e-mail and the full names of all authors (Last Names written in UPPERCASE letters).

Generally, articles are expected to be received at least 2 months before the issue’s publication date. For more details regarding the specific deadline for each issue of the journal, please see the current Call for Papers.

The journal does not charge any processing and submission fees for journal articles.

CC BY 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.