Yahiaoui Nour El Houda

The Effect of Pedagogical Training in Higher Education on the Newly Employed University Teacher’s Approach to Teaching and Self-efficacy Beliefs in Algerian Universities

Article information:
Volume VIII 2024, No 1, Pages: 97-119
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24193/JRHE.2024.1.5
Yahiaoui Nour El Houda, Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Djillali Liabes University, Algeria, email address: nour_el_houda.yahiaoui@univ-sba.dz

Abstract: To align with society’s ever-changing needs, the principal goal the university seeks to achieve within the community shifted from providing knowledge through teaching to the strategic role of knowledge production by applying skills. Accordingly, the implementation of the L.M.D. system in Algerian universities focused on supporting the students’ learning process and emphasized student work; this imposed new pedagogical teaching methods and raised the need to improve the pedagogical skills of university teachers.
This study aims to determine the impact of pedagogical training in higher education for newly employed teachers at Algerian universities on their approach to teaching, as measured by the Approaches to Teaching Inventory list, and on their self-efficacy beliefs, as measured by the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. Data were collected in a pre-post design; a questionnaire was designed based on the measurement methods and sent electronically twice to a sample of 50 newly employed teachers before and after pedagogical training.
The study finds no statistically significant differences in the teacher-centered or in the student-centered approach among newly employed teachers, and no statistically significant differences in their self-efficacy beliefs before and after pedagogical training. Pedagogical training is not helping newly employed university teachers to center their teaching approach around the student.

Keywords: Pedagogical training, Approaches to teaching, Self-efficacy beliefs, Higher education, L.M.D. system.

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