Dragoș Iliescu & Oana Dodun

A Conceptual Modelling Study for a Learning Management System in Doctoral Schools

Article information:
Volume III, 2019, No 2, Pages: 19-34
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24193/JRHE.2019.2.2
Dragoș Iliescu, IEEE, Section 8, Romania, E-mail: dragos.iliescu@ieee.org
Oana Dodun, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology, Iaşi, România, E-mail: oanad@tcm.tuiasi.ro

Abstract: This research promotes the implementation of a specialised Learning Management System (LMS) for doctoral schools, by identifying the required information, features, qualities, and actors and their specific roles. An extended literature review informs the structuring of information regarding the expected returned benefits; while the related findings are analysed using the graph and concept algebra. Five major components are identified as having a significant impact over the doctoral programme. One of them, namely social behaviour, shows a lack of connectivity with the rest of the identified components. The present research also looks at the expected impact created by the community of social behaviour as induced by the implementation of a specialised LMS for doctoral
school. Cooperation, collaboration and professional socialisation enhance the overall effect of process improvement. Compliance and conformity are the main engine involved in enhancing the connectivity between LMS and Cross-disciplinarity. To study the proposed LMS structure, a conceptual design
framework, along with a possible configuration supply the proper description of how the LMS can be present within the doctoral school.

Keywords: science advance, doctoral programme, research management, community integration, knowledge representation

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