Special Issue – Active Learning: Actionable Approaches

Call for Papers


JRHE, the Journal of Research in Higher Education published by Babeș-Bolyai University, the QUALITAS Centre, invites submissions for the forthcoming special issue on active learning, due out in December 2023. JRHE is a peer-reviewed, open access journal http://jrehe.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/, that seeks to address and factor in the major challenges educators, researchers, trainers and trainers of trainers in the field are facing in these accelerated global times.

As wide range of active learning methods are becoming prevalent in higher education, discipline-based educational (DBER) and psychological research analyzed different facets of active learning (Freeman et al., 2014, Lombardy et al., 2021). From a cognitive-constructivist stance learners should become active agents in the process of knowledge creation. Active engagement with the subject results in better organized knowledge and higher academic performance. Moreover, researchers also focus on the co-construction of knowledge. Meaning-making through active learning is not just an individual cognitive construction, but a social construction. Social aspects of active learning, active social engagement during knowledge creation results in deeper learning. This call for papers seeks to advance actionable approaches to active learning through new insights generated by basic and applied research in contemporary times. The special issue focuses on:

  • active learning and current instructional practices,
  • construction-of-understanding ecosystem,
  • active learning, exploratory thinking, and creativity,
  • active learning and curriculum transformation,
  • effectiveness of active learning strategies,
  • measurement and methodological issues in the evaluation of active learning strategies,
  • critical reviews, and meta-analytical papers.

We welcome original papers in any topic related to active learning. Review papers as well as book reviews require prior approval by the Editors.

The acceptance of the abstracts will be communicated by July 1st. The deadline for submitting the manuscript is October 1st. Contributions will be in English, in the region of 4,500 words or above, directed to Dr. Imre Péntek imre.pentek@ubbcluj.ro, home editor. Special issue editor, Dr. Vilmos Vass (Budapest Metropolitan University), vvass@metropolitan.hu

Freeman, S. et al. (2014). Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics. PNAS, 111, 8410-8415. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1319030111
Lombardi, D., Shipley, T. F., Bailey, J. M., Bretones, P. S., Prather, E. E., Ballen, C. J., Knight, J. K., Smith, M. K., Stowe, R. L., Cooper, M. M., Prince, M., Atit, K., Uttal, D. H., LaDue, N. D., McNeal, P. M., Ryker, K., St. John, K., van der Hoeven Kraft, K. J., & Docktor, J. L. (2021). The Curious Construct of Active Learning. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 22(1), 8–43. https://doi.org/10.1177/1529100620973974

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